Sentinel 1.8.6 has been released with initial support for OpenSergo fault-tolerance spec.
Sentinel 1.8.5 has been released with cool features including Apache Dubbo 3.x support.
Sentinel 1.8.4 has been released with improvements and bug fixes.
Sentinel Go v1.0.4 has been released with cool features like Prometheus metric exporter and improved circuit breaker half-open recovery strategy.
Sentinel 1.8.3 has been released with cool features including JMX metric exporter support and Envoy RLS v3 API support.
Sentinel Go v1.0.0 has been released! Sentinel Go has been production-ready and generally-available.
Sentinel 1.8.0 annual version released with cool features like circuit breaking improvements and Quarkus support.
This blog post will introduce how to migrate from Netflix Hystrix to Sentinel
This blog post describes the best practice of using Sentinel in MQ